As well as creating outstanding roofscapes, Crest Nelskamp roofing tiles can also be used for facades/walling or as often known as ‘vertical cladding’. For technical clarification, BS 5534: the British Standard Code of practice for pitched roofs and vertical cladding, defines a wall as any surface at a pitch of 75 degrees or greater from the horizontal.
The use of vertical tiling is certainly not a new innovation and it’s use varies across the UK, the method has been used extensively throughout the South East of England covering the whole of the exterior walls from the first storey up to the eaves. However Architect’s are now finding more creative and practical uses for both residential and commercial builds (as shown on this page), where these technically advanced tiles can ‘wrap’ or 'envelop' an entire building to great effect.
We have several clay and concrete tiles that can be used for ‘vertical cladding’. To find out how we can assist you, please do get in touch with us. You can call us on 01430 432667 or drop us an email to [email protected]